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Marketing Viewpoint by Ruth Winett

After How Many Minutes Will Survey
Participants Drop Out?

Survey "Pain Points" and "Motivators"—Findings from a Quest Mindshare Study

B2B businesses conduct surveys to learn about the needs of their customers and suppliers and the activities of their competitors and a myriad of other things. However, the shrinking pool of B2B survey participants is a problem, says Scott Worthge, research director at Quest Mindshare. “Sample shortage,” however, is more of a problem in B2B research than B2C research as the pool of potential participants is more specialized and therefore smaller ( e.g., IT professionals). Worthge surveyed survey respondents to identify “pain points” and incentives that influence whether businesspeople will complete B2B surveys.

“Pain Points”

  • Extensive grids containing endless screening questions were a factor that made survey participants drop out.
  • Length was another problem. Survey length becomes a "pain point" after 15 minutes, when 20% drop out. At 20 minutes 60% drop out, and at 25 minutes 75% drop out, Worthge found.
  • Participants noted that bad survey design also deterred them from finishing surveys.
  • Another negative factor was asking questions that would identify the participant, such as requesting email addresses or linked-In addresses.


  • Interestingly, the leading "motivator"was “Making my opinion known/heard,” especially among “lower-level employees” from smaller companies.
  • Cash and “cash equivalents” were the second most important incentives. Cash incentives are more desirable than non-cash incentives, such as shared information or information about competitors.
  • “Exposure to new ideas” and “gaining information helpful to my role” were what motivate IT professionals to complete surveys.

Quest’s Methodology

Quest conducted four hundred interviews, evenly divided among five groups, ranging from business owners to tech workers to “regular workers” from different size companies from different regions.

Creating Surveys that Provide Insight

Creating and conducting a survey takes time and money. To get useful results, obtain enough sample, carefully design the survey, and ask clearly stated meaningful questions. But, keep it short and offer the right incentives for the right segment. This means cash for some, information for others. Above all, if you promise anonymity, do not embed questions that seek personal information. In addition, do not misrepresent how you will use the data.


Real answers from real respondents on how to create better B2B surveys | Articles (

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